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Post by xotrevor »



Ukraine State of Emergency to start from midnight Thurs. 24 Feb. for 30 days.

Donald Trump says Putin’s assault on Ukraine will embolden China to take Taiwan: ... ke-taiwan/

The Parliament of Ukraine has officially submitted a draft resolution on declaring martial law in the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, also on closing down the borders with Russia and Belarus and stopping transport links with Russia.

Ukraine blackout: Power CUT just minutes after Scholz, Chancellor of Germany announces tough sanctions on Russia.

Biden’s Deep State wants a war to cover up Hunter/Joe Biden dealings in the Ukraine:
  • The war in the Ukraine would cover up exposure of the Pandemic and vaccines.

  • The war would be plastered through all media – Google, Facebook, YouTube, Mainstream Media, Radio, Social Media and create panic.

  • The saturation of the MSM would try to cover up the Durham investigation into Clintons, Obama and would lead to Fauci and Obama.

  • The war would cover up the suppression of the Freedom Convoys.

  • The war would cover up all missing, laundered money across the Deep State world.

  • The war would try to create a cover for many corrupt European countries, presidents, elites and banks.
    The war would bring in the New World Order (UN, NATO).

  • Currently 32 nations Alliance White Hats have Military generals in every major country getting ready to rebuff the UN, NATO and their own Deep State Military forces that were connected to their corrupted government owned by the Central Banking System and Deep State Cabal.

  • If all that is planned goes well a World lockdown would ensure after the world Nuclear and Military standoff.
    There will be great unrest, confusion and riots.

  • Protests would lead to Martial Law where White Hats Military in every nation would arrest their own government officials, Media Elites and Deep State Military who colluded in the Pandemic, vaccines bioweapon and those who betrayed their country by working with the Cabal Deep State (Davos, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Gates, World Banks, Vatican, CCP, ect.).

  • In the next months expect the world’s largest earthquakes to happen.

  • The Deep State may stick to their fake alien invasion plan, Project Blue Beam

A draft resolution on the declaration of martial law on the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, on the closure of borders with Russia and Belarus, as well as on the termination of transport links with Russia has been officially submitted to the Parliament of Ukraine.

Biden says that protecting “freedom” for Ukraine will mean higher fuel prices.

Russia has announced plans to create military bases in the DPR and LPR, and is concluding a deal on the transfer of troops to the region. Diplomatic relations with the region are being established.

Trump: “Russia would never have invaded Ukraine if I was still in power.” Putin said that the deployment of troops in Ukraine depends on the “situation on the ground.”

A powerful explosion is reported in Donetsk.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken said that the meeting with Foreign Minister Lavrov in Geneva is canceled because “the invasion of Ukraine begins.”

Putin Launches “Military Operation” In Ukraine.

Ukraine Warns “Radioactive Dust” Could Spread Over Europe As Fighting Rages At Chernobyl Nuclear Plant.

The Russian so-called attack on Ukraine was causing the Stock Market to crash.

President Vladimir Putin announced a military operation in Ukraine and warned other countries that any attempt to interfere with the Russian action would lead to “consequences they have never seen.”

By mid morning Russia claimed to have bombed 70 Military targets including 11 Air Fields in the Ukraine.

China says military operation should not be described as an “invasion”, ‘closely watching’ Ukraine situation after Russian attack.

NATO announces the deployment of additional land, air, and maritime assets to the alliance’s eastern flank following Russian attack on Ukraine.


Unusual Russian Navy Concentration Seen In Eastern Mediterranean


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As the world watches Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there is also a significant and purposeful Russian Navy presence in the Mediterranean. This is part of the same big picture. Today they have been observed sailing close together in an unusual formation.

Russia has reinforced its naval presence in the Mediterranean, much more than usual. This can be seen as an outer defense layer for naval operations in the Black Sea, off Ukraine. In particular, to deter NATO involvement, especially from the US and French aircraft carriers.

At the same time that Russian Navy units supported the invasion of Ukraine, their major warships in the Mediterranean came together. Both of the Slava class cruisers presently there, plus escorts and support ships, were sailing in close formation. They appeared to be sailing to Tartus in Syria where Russia has a base.

The unusual formation is clearly visible in European Space Agency’s (ESA) satellite imagery. An image, taken by the Sentinel 2 satellite at 08:40 UTC today, shows 16 ships. At the exact same time information was flooding in about the opening attacks in the Ukraine invasion.

The formation is only 0.9 miles (1.5 km) across and 1.7 miles (2.7 km) long, meaning that all ships are within visual sight of each other. The ships were already within Syrian territorial waters and heading directly for the port of Tartus. This is Russia’s only overseas naval base. Here the vessels are operating under significant air cover and an air-defense umbrella from Russian bases in Syria.

The closeness of the formation, particularly with two submarines, suggests a photo opportunity. Similar formations are often seen during exercises, but not in wartime conditions. Even if that is the case for the exact maneuver however, the bigger picture remains the concentration of forces at Tartus, possibly for protection and resupply.

All The Ships In One Place

This is the concentration of essentially the entire Russian Navy in the Mediterranean, in one place. Ordinarily these vessels would be operating in distinct groups. Them being where they were showed that, for a moment, neither of the Kilo class submarines were on patrol. Neither the cruisers which are likely causing NATO significant concern.

The Slava class cruisers are primarily anti-ship platforms. For this they are each armed with 16 P-1000 Vulkan supersonic missiles. They also provide respectable area air-defense with 64 S-300F Rif missiles.

Other combatants include two Udaloy Class anti-submarine destroyers, and two general purpose frigates. The frigates, and a Buyan-M class corvette, can all carry Kalibr cruise missiles which is a weapon used in the Ukraine invasion. The Kilo Class submarines can also carry this weapon.

Naval News assesses that it is likely that the ships may have separated again into several groups. Some Russian warships may now sail to the Black Sea to directly support operations there. This will mean transiting the Bosporus Strait through Turkish waters. This will be controversial, and Ukraine has reportedly asked Turkey to close the straits to Russian ships.
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

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