12/24/2021 - HUGE INTEL DROP #2 (The Department of Defense Law of War Manual - Military Law)

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12/24/2021 - HUGE INTEL DROP #2 (The Department of Defense Law of War Manual - Military Law)

Post by xotrevor »





Juan O Savin

The Law of War Manual was put together under the Trump Administration.

It was taking from concepts & ideas that existed, in some cases, for centuries:
The Rules of War Between Nations & what authorized certain actions..

There have been addendums based on what happened with the Nuremberg Trials Military Tribunals, etc. as well as the Executive Level & Civilian Courts.

There are certain rules that determine what things can & should be prosecuted in a Criminal court, a Civil court or a Military Court & what those criteria are with exacting precision..

Would the Revolutionaries at the beginning of our Nation when they begin to break away from our British Masters, the Royals, would they today have been justified LEGALLY?..

IF those Revolutionaries had violated certain LAW OF WAR precepts, then all these years later, other parties, be it England or other places, could technically bring a suit that would overturn what was done..

The Department of Defense Law of War Manual - Military Law
Read: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/nYVdmE

The Department of Defense Law of War Manual - Military Law - 11.2 to 11.6
Read: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/vOxUpW



Gene Decode

“Let’s focus on moving forward. Let’s restore the Economies of the world with all this gold & silver they’ve stolen from us.

When people see what we have they’re going to be over “let’s go hang people” & go “Oh my goodness!”

We have all this technology & all this wealth to be redistributed with ledgers showing precisely what gold was taken from what through fake taxes laundering human trafficking gun running, etc.

All the stuff in the Vatican & in the Alps throughout France, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Sweden—all that’s been cleared.

Now all that information’s there + the googolplex of gold, wealth, & a lot of the Art that went missing in WW2 that’s in the Vatican & the Alps.

Ancient Art, Ancient Sacred documents, Gold, & then all of this healing tech. The people will be able to focus elsewhere.”
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
American Patriots Forum

Information and knowledge becomes powerful only when used to educate and inform others of the truth according to Almighty God!
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