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Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 4:35 pm
by xotrevor
Ukraine The Snake Head!


US and World Leaders Are Lying To You, Stealing From You, Destroying You, and Killing You~ while you sleep or worse, while you sit and watch them do it!

As I went looking for new information on Ukraine and the US and came up with a lot of the “Go to #1 sources” and wondered what part of Ukraine they don’t understand? The consensus overall is that Obama didn’t see Ukraine worth investing military in and pursued other areas, Russia is evil, Putin is destroying Ukraine, sanctions won’t work we need to get agressive and take down Russia, we need to stop evil Putin before he nukes the world and we are all going to die in world war III, and then there are those shouting Ukraine is winning over weak Putin killing his troops. Then my favorite is when the podcasters say, “I THINK PUTIN IS GOING TO.…” And Putin’s plans are to..…because he thinks he is going to…..” My response to that is – you have got to be kidding me, right? For a Podcaster that is on board to support the world agenda that’s going after evil Putin to even say they think they know what a master chess genius is going to do, well that just gives me a headache! And I forgot to mention all the wild ideas of history in Ukraine that is totally guessed at.

They need to stop and listen to Glenn Beck. Unless they are part of the disinformation campaign, for there is a lot of that out there!

Glenn Beck Presents: Ukraine: The Final Piece!

Listen Now:

Other popular podcasters are buying into the narrative that Putin is losing his troops and foiled at every end of his efforts…of which they aren’t sure yet what those are except to retake Ukraine for Russia. (Oh it hurts your head to listen to it.) The wrap up smear has successfully entered into the podcasts…but, then again, maybe these are part of the script reading operatives? Who knows whether they are just not seeing or reading handed out scripts? Nothing is as it appears.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump Jr. made a post of things that never happened. He didn’t sight his source, but my gut feeling tells me this is true. Discernment is necessary. Perhaps because I already went down these rabbit holes and believe what Putin said in his remarks. And I watched the Biden steal live as it was taking place. Don Jr. never looks upset. Wouldn’t one think he would be going stark raving angry if he thought these vultures were for one minute getting away with any of this? I do.


Meanwhile, many are still waiting for everything to get back to normal and some are waiting to get back to normal with lots of money from NESARA/GESARA. Others are following the fake news where truth is a lie and lies are truth. Some are teaching others how to get in line with the universal light shift that is coming. Jesus isn’t in that one, but a lot of light beings are who have reincarnated for this moment in time to save humanity. And some are talking Russia and not to worry because they will be raptured before Gog and Magog (Russia) starts the nukes. There is a lot of strange and conflicting information out there. Each must think, feel and choose. I choose the Lord and what the Bible says.

As always, the masses who make up the billions on the earth are the target for the propaganda machine and the majority are good at lapping up the fearful lies.

Which brings us to what the Lord said:

John 16:20-22 20 Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy. 21 A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. 22 And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.

Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 19 of 21

It is time to speak of pregnancy and what exactly having a baby means. When the Lord said it is like a woman in labor, it is now obvious men who wait outside and are told by the midwife it’s a boy or it’s a girl… never quite understood what this birthing process was all about. Even in modern day when the father to be attends classes and they do silly things and learn how to breathe in and out…they still don’t stomach the delivery room very well. They hear the wife scream and they see blood and cringe and some still do faint.

But before that final point takes place, there are months of growing where the woman slowly become less and less able to move like a sports star, and at times, find difficulty to even get up off the couch. This is what has been taking place in the world over the last 2 thousand years. I can clearly see this world process as it relates to the growing labor pains from the very beginning as Jesus said to his disciples. For the first followers of the way experienced some very sharp pains. Especially being hunted down arrested and stoned by their own people and captured, tortured and killed by Caesars of Rome. Yet, in respect to the entire birthing process these were just the beginning of labor pains, like a false labor, as the time was not yet to be birthed.

The entire process appears to have been a two thousand year one. There have always been wars, rumors of wars, martyrs, oppression, mandates that stripped freedoms, and we even had a merging of all religions into one in 325 AD by Caesar Constantine …which was actually a one world religion and followers of the way of Jesus were told to take the book and eat it up…for this is what they are now serving.

Great evils have been pushed as okay, and what is God’s commandments have been shoved aside as fanatical. This wickedness grew little by little and step by step until they began to be sharp anguishing pains when they hit home. Until then, no one wanted to speak of any of it. Even now, few do so.

Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 5

As one goes through history forward from the time of the Lord onward, one can see the many labor pains striking over and over…even many false labor points where people believed this is it…the baby is here…only to have the pains subside and be sent home to wait until the hour where the pains come closer and closer together.

If we look at a day with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day…we see we have been in labor for two days and hard labor at that. Mothers will tell you that before the days of an epidural…the pains of labor were excruciating and hard to bear. I liken the epidural shot as propaganda wars where you are distracted and by that there is little pain for it has been masked so you don’t feel it. But, even with an epidural…there comes a point where the pain is so severe and the contractions become so close it is one long hard delivery… but still not as hard as it would be if there was no epidural buffering it. And so many sleep as though there were no pains of birthing taking place.

Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 20 of 21

In the world, there was always some place to run to and hide from oppression. Always some escape place of sanctuary if one could get there. Today, there is no such place on the earth to run too, not even in the civilized world. All nations are at war to destroy their people through an organized RESET – “ONE WORLD CONTROLLED” MANDATE OVER GOVERNMENTS of Nations or else they will be punished in many ways. We have watched what they have done to many nation leaders who said…NO. Especially early on in Africa. We have watched the UN and NATO bullies in action. We have seen videos of the people in communist countries rounded up and boarded up inside their apartment buildings to starve, and some falling dead in the streets while the press denied any 5-G or other type of lethal attacks. We have been lied to so much with false flags and fear propaganda that it is hard to tell what is real and what is staged. But it all is fear based to get the people to obey.

So how does this all relate to the woman in labor? When a woman is at the point where the baby is coming through the birth canal…there is no stopping it, just as Jesus had stated. At this point the baby is coming and you have to PUSH, PUSH, PUSH to help it along or suffer the long drawn out pangs of it…that is why even when the mother is in unbearable pain, she is told by the midwife or nurse to push!!! PUSH HARDER!!! HARDER! And then you hear the baby take its’ first breath and the pains subside.

When these pains are at their most painful it encompasses the entire body….everything is pained. And when the world is set where there is no going back and everywhere in every land there is pain…and it comes closer and closer and closer until it is one big world wide pain….you are about to birth THIS NEW KINGDOM that the Lord said was coming like a woman in labor. So when we look around and see the whole world taking part in the same oppressions, and see the human and child trafficking, the wars, the spiritual warfare on all fronts, and there is no escaping it…we know that the pains have never felt like this before, and we instinctively know, just like a mother with child that the baby is coming. Now, the same as a lot of men and women who have never given birth, the pains are not felt and so they are easily ignored and a lot that should be seen is not considered. To put it in perspective… a man after hearing false labor many times hears the mother say, It’s time and she says it calmly. The first thing he thinks is…not again… are you sure this time? Then he looks over and her water has broken and she wales out a painful sound…and the father goes in crazy circles trying to find the car keys and get her to the hospital. Well, we are almost at that point where the men are about to go crazy looking for their car keys to save their families and their nations.

It is come to that final point where the water has broken and many are just now letting that sink in. It will now run its’ course rather quickly and soon, the only option left will be to PUSH, PUSH, PUSH! And even those who don’t will not be able to stop it!

It’s time my friends to Push Into The Kingdom of God! PUSH, PUSH PUSH AND PRAY UNCEASING!

By Dianne Marshall