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Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 4:25 pm
by xotrevor

Putin and Russia are fighting the CIA Deep State in the Ukraine . Russia is the White Hat Q Freedom Fighters ! Trump couldn't do it for obvious Reasons and the Ukraine has been under Deep State Nazi Control since 2012 !


Putin & Zelensky and Ukraine

Putin is trying to protect Zelensky, not kill him!

The goal of Putin being to prevent the Deep State from installing a new corrupt regime.

I read yesterday that Ukrainians were saying it seemed like outsiders had been sent into cities to “stir up civil unrest”.
People who are “rioting & passing out weapons”.

That sounds familiar to what happened when the Deep State wanted a regime change here, doesn’t it?
Before elections, ANTIFA & BLM were sent into American cities to stir civil unrest, riot & help rig our election.

Putin isn’t trying to defeat Ukraine.

Putin & Zelensky are trying to defeat and remove the Deep State from Ukraine.

The Deep State wants Zelensky dead & a new regime installed.

And they want Zelensky’s blood on Putin’s hands, not theirs.

That would kill 3 birds with one stone.

1~ Putin shamed & removed bc he’s incompetent & evil.
2~ Zelensky dead.
3~ New corrupt Ukrainian leader installed by the Deep State.

That might be why China has gone silent?

Why China got the $2 billion dollar deal for Chernobyl?

To cooperate?

And could also be why NATO & others have gone mute. They’ve all been told to stand down.

Not exactly what the Deep State was expecting, I’d imagine.

What if they are all working together to set a Deep State trap?

Would explain Trump traveling & making trade deals globally for 4 years straight.

Art of the Deal.

The Deep State players “think” they are gaslighting Putin into doing their dirty work for them, and they “think” Putin will get rid of Zelensky for them.


Putin Orders Military to Destroy Bio-Labs in Ukraine as US Scrubs Evidence of Their Existence


Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his military to seek and destroy US-Deep State bio-labs engaged in top-secret zoonotic and infectious disease research in dozens of locations across Ukraine.

Bioweapons laboratories in Ukrainian cities including Kharkiv, Luhansk, Dnipropetrovsk, and the capital Kyiv, among others locations, have been targeted by Russian troops operating under Putin’s direct orders in recent days.


Meanwhile, the US embassy in Ukraine has been caught scrubbing evidence of biolabs in Ukraine while mainstream media and fact checkers have begun telling the masses that the biolabs don’t exist.

Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelensky stated that Russian forces are firing at “military installations” leaving analysts speculating that term could include US-installed and operated bio-labs.

According to US government documents, the US has multiple biolabs in Ukraine. In typical Pentagon fashion, these biolabs are marketed as “defense.“

Russia has been warning the US for months to stop operating dangerous biolabs on their doorstep. Mainstream media won’t touch the topic now, but they did cover the news in the past.

Four months ago, Russia and China asked the UN for the US to be “checked and limited” in biological capabilities.

Russia and China blamed the US for the Covid-19 outbreak and were fearful that the US had more bioweapons to be unleashed on the world.

How does this relate to Ukraine?

Putin has admitted he is engaged in a “special military operation” to demilitarize Ukraine. Mainstream analysts fail to understand the possible scope of this statement.


Meanwhile, the US embassy in Ukraine has just been caught attempting to scrub evidence of bioweapons laboratories operated by the US government on Ukrainian soil.

As we reported earlier, the US embassy removed all PDF files from the embassy website here: ... n-program/

However, the internet sleuths archived the information before it could be memory-holed forever.

Here is a full list of the biolabs: ... iv-eng.pdf ... sk-eng.pdf ... sk-eng.pdf ... sa-eng.pdf ... sk-eng.pdf ... et-eng.pdf ... et-eng.pdf ... et-eng.pdf ... et-eng.pdf ... dl-eng.pdf ... vl-eng.pdf ... -eidss.pdf ... ontrol.pdf ... vl_eng.pdf ... et-eng.pdf

US officials have gone into overdrive attempting to explain away the existence of the biolabs. Robert Pope, the director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, a 30-year-old Defense Department program, has admitted that the labs could release “dangerous pathogens.”


Biolabs in Ukraine

Russia’s military operation in Ukraine seems to be going very successfully. Of course, the initial reports should be taken with a grain of salt. But the question arises, what will the Russians find in Ukraine?



The existence of US Congressional/internationally funded Biolabs in Ukraine (and around the world), researching and developing pathogens and viruses, biting insect, bat, and monkey delivery, human genetic engineering, and associated biological outbreaks in Ukraine and elsewhere (as happened in Wuhan) are well documented. As of 2018 there were 11 known bio-laboratories located in Ukraine (map image below), in 2015 there were 39.

Congress. Pentagon. CIA. DARPA. CDC. Private Contractors.

Deeply sourced/hyperlinked investigative journalist pieces from Bulgarian journalist/researcher Dilyana Gaytandzhieva linked below ( are crucial:

"Besides gene editing in insects and in the viruses they transmit, the Pentagon wants to engineer humans as well. DARPA Advanced Tools for Mammalian Genome Engineering Project seeks to create a biological platform inside the human body, using it to deliver new genetic information, and thus altering humans at the DNA level.

DARPA wants to insert an additional 47th artificial chromosome into human cells. This chromosome will deliver new genes that will be used for engineering the human body. SynPloid Biotek LLC has been awarded two contracts under the program totaling $1.1 million (2015-2016 – $ 100,600 for the first phase of the research; 2015-2017 – $ 999,300 for work which is not specified in the federal contracts registry. The company has only two employees and no previous record on bio-research."

High-level clarity: ... chromosome

2013 -

2015 -

2020 - ... uncovered/

"Biowarfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa."

2018 - Pentagon Bio Weapons (scroll down to Ukraine):

2020 - Data leak from the Pentagon biolaboratory in Georgia ... n-georgia/

2022 - Biological Human Experiments in Ukraine: ... d-georgia/

Per the 2015 Congressional Research Services Report, the Evolution of Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR): Issues for Congress, appears to corroborate these bio-laboratories and gain-of-function interests.

"The CTR program has built a secure Central Reference Laboratories (CRL) for pathogen collections in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, and is constructing a CRL in Azerbaijan. Currently, the CTR program has completed upgrades at 39 “Secured Labs” in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. DOD continues to support upgrades and training at these facilities."

p. 39: