Is the US military in control? The real reason they are in Washington D.C.

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Is the US military in control? The real reason they are in Washington D.C.

Post by xotrevor »


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First and foremost you need to understand that President Trump stepped aside for a short time to let the military run the show.

The "go" decision, when it comes, will be made by our trusted Generals and not by President Trump or his cabinet.


Q told us on 11.01.2017 with the biggest drop to ever drop on pol.

What former President used the military to save the republic? Abraham Lincoln


Now we have confirmation.... The Military is in control

President Trump was sending all of us a message through these pictures of him staring at a picture of Abraham Lincoln

If Biden was really in control do you think the large military presence would still be in Washington D.C.

Do you know why the large military presence is still in Washington D.C.? It's not for Biden

1 It's a true sign that the military is in control.
2. Washington D.C. is a foreign state

Future proves past!



We all need to realize and understand is that the National Guard (NG) troops that put the fence up in Washington D.C. to block people from seeing and attending the "Fake" inauguration are the National Guard (NG) troops that the corrupt Democratic Mayor of Washington D.C. called in. And these National Guard (NG) troops not the same National Guard (NG) troops that will remain in Washington D.C. through March/April. These are also not the National Guard (NG) troops that the corrupt Democratic Mayor of Washington D.C. sent to a parking garage to sleep. The National Guard (NG) troops that have left Washington D.C. are the (NG) troops the corrupt Democratic Mayor of Washington D.C. called in, now the corrupt Mainstream media (MSM) is trying to make you think all the military troops are leaving Washington D.C., this is far from the truth!

In fact, there are now 100,000+ troops in Washington D.C. that were sent there by the pentagon. These troops range from National Guard, Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force. There are also special operation forces there and all these troops will remain in Washington D.C. for several months.

Of course the corrupt Mainstream media (MSM) is trying to play this down and make it look like this is not a big deal, but I can assure you that this is a VERY BIG DEAL. The amount of troops that have been brought to Washington D.C. the amount of ammo, the amount of equipment, and the amount of Cargo that has been brought to Washington D.C. is no joke! Not to mention the 2,000 National Guard (NG) troops that have been deputized as US Marshals. And again corrupt Mainstream media (MSM) is trying to make you think this is for the rioters in Washington D.C. but the truth is there are no rioters and there has been no rioters. I mean do you really think there will rioters in Washington D.C. with 100,000+ Military troops and special forces there?

Don't watch the corrupt Mainstream media (MSM), don't listen to the corrupt Mainstream media (MSM), and don't be deceived by the corrupt Mainstream media (MSM).

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Re: Is the US military in control? The real reason they are in Washington D.C.

Post by Strumin210 »

I believe exactly as this report states. I have been watching a lot of C-17 ,stratotankers and such flying over our country in the location. Also some overseas . There could very well be that many in DC with supplies. I am going by what I have seen in the air not any MSM.
soon to be 67 and a mandolin playing Patriot. Married and have 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren that i refuse to see grow up under a communist government .Patriot party believer for our new republic .
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Re: Is the US military in control? The real reason they are in Washington D.C.

Post by xotrevor »

Thank you for this!

There is actually a lot more going on then many people know or realize. The amount of military equipment, ammo, and cargo that is being sent to DC from all over the nation is historic.

Many people don't know this but there are actually patriot missile batteries being brought into DC via truck and airplane.

Patriot missiles are surface-to-air missile (SAM). The Patriot missiles have a system that is known as the "Phased Array Tracking Radar to Intercept on Target" which is an acronym for PATRIOT. Patriot missiles are used to intercept incoming missiles.

Why patriot missiles you might ask?

High chatter has indicated that the Chinese have strategically placed what are called Club-K Container Missile Systems across America. These systems can be triggered from anywhere in the world via satellite to a specific target. The chatter is indicating these missiles could be intended to take out power grids across our nation and even to hit Nuclear plants. These containers have been spotted with-in the United States in recent days and weeks. There is also high chatter that these Club-K Container Missile Systems are sitting on ships that are just outside the United States ports so that they don't have to go through port inspections.

Here is a video that explains how they work.

There is also high chatter that has indicated that there are several dirty bombs located in strategic locations across the United States.

The chatter has indicated that highly skilled special operations military teams are looking to locate these Club-K Container Missile Systems and the dirty bombs.

I believe this is one of many reasons why the military is holding off on making any arrests and starting to make things happen according to the plan. We are surely dealing with a very dangerous enemy, and we are surely in the midst of some very serious and very difficult warfare.
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Re: Is the US military in control? The real reason they are in Washington D.C.

Post by Animal1289 »

While I want this to be true as much as any other patriot, I think there are some wishful thinking on why the military is in DC.
We need to be honest with ourselves and weed out (prove) other theories are not true.
For instance:
1. If the military is in control why is Biden allowed to implement EOs?
2. If the military is in charge why is congress and senate allowed to move forward with a flawed impeachment?
3. What if it is the Democrats asking for the military support in order to defend the capitol against this new domestic threat (aka Trump supporters)? Think January 6th thru the inauguration and the story line.
4. Etc...

Again, I want this report to be true but we patriots need to prove our hypotheses by eliminating other explanations. Looking in one direction only is equivalent to the current democrat stance on climate change.
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Re: Is the US military in control? The real reason they are in Washington D.C.

Post by xotrevor »

Animal1289 wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 7:01 pm While I want this to be true as much as any other patriot, I think there are some wishful thinking on why the military is in DC.
We need to be honest with ourselves and weed out (prove) other theories are not true.
For instance:
1. If the military is in control why is Biden allowed to implement EOs?
2. If the military is in charge why is congress and senate allowed to move forward with a flawed impeachment?
3. What if it is the Democrats asking for the military support in order to defend the capitol against this new domestic threat (aka Trump supporters)? Think January 6th thru the inauguration and the story line.
4. Etc...

Again, I want this report to be true but we patriots need to prove our hypotheses by eliminating other explanations. Looking in one direction only is equivalent to the current democrat stance on climate change.
Everything that is happening right now is for optics. Biden only has limited ability. For instance, he does not have access to military intel from the pentagon. He does not have access to use Air Force One or any other government or military planes. He does not even have access to the actual Secret Service. The Secret Service hired a third party company called checkmate to provide security for him.

Trust God and trust the plan, this is all a huge test. You can either trust God and the plan and pass the test and learn something, or you can not trust God and the plan and fail the test and learn nothing.
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Re: Is the US military in control? The real reason they are in Washington D.C.

Post by xotrevor »

CarolCzarkowski wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 11:50 pm Thanks for the updates.
You're welcome, Carol!
Trevor Winchell
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Debbie Pike
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Re: Is the US military in control? The real reason they are in Washington D.C.

Post by Debbie Pike »

It's all The Plan, I don't think the real Biden was even running for president in 2020, same face we see now. I believe he was arrested last year. Who really walks free when they sale our nation and the people to the CCP?!? No one. Biden is a high crime evil and willingly controlled man. Perhaps the one serving in his place is helping to control the CCP, maybe he's to wake the sleeping people, other reasons too. Someone asked me what planet I lived on when I suggested Biden was not the real one. His skin tone is now pink?? His eyes are brown instead of blue, and his hands are young looking. His smile was crooked on one side. Not this one. He is pleasing the left however, he's working miracles for least right now. He followed in the foot steps of the Bushes, Clinton and Obama, he's insane like the rest.

Something has to be done about the CCP trying to control the USA and other nations. Maniacs for power control over everyone. Prison sounds good then the firing squad. Texas needs land laws, China moved in down south. I knew the NG was not for Biden, never. Looked like a pre-recorded event to me.
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Re: Is the US military in control? The real reason they are in Washington D.C.

Post by xotrevor »

Debbie Pike wrote: Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:29 pm It's all The Plan, I don't think the real Biden was even running for president in 2020, same face we see now. I believe he was arrested last year. Who really walks free when they sale our nation and the people to the CCP?!? No one. Biden is a high crime evil and willingly controlled man. Perhaps the one serving in his place is helping to control the CCP, maybe he's to wake the sleeping people, other reasons too. Someone asked me what planet I lived on when I suggested Biden was not the real one. His skin tone is now pink?? His eyes are brown instead of blue, and his hands are young looking. His smile was crooked on one side. Not this one. He is pleasing the left however, he's working miracles for least right now. He followed in the foot steps of the Bushes, Clinton and Obama, he's insane like the rest.

Something has to be done about the CCP trying to control the USA and other nations. Maniacs for power control over everyone. Prison sounds good then the firing squad. Texas needs land laws, China moved in down south. I knew the NG was not for Biden, never. Looked like a pre-recorded event to me.
I agree 100% have a look at these...
Biden2.jpg (21.14 KiB) Viewed 16319 times
Biden1.jpg (44.93 KiB) Viewed 16319 times
Trevor Winchell
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