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Post by xotrevor »


Australian Federal Senator Bob Katter says there are eight people working in his election headquarters. Of these: – Two died shortly after vaccination – Two remained disabled – Three have lifelong serious health problems – One was immediately admitted to the intensive care unit and is in critical condition.

The World Health Organization, represented by Gebreyesus, recognizes that vaccines are not effective, and new restrictions will be required.

“Africa is only vaccinated by 6%, but covid has practically disappeared. Scientists are “puzzled.” The only regions of the world where mass diseases and mortality are observed are those that promote “vaccination.” https://t.co/j4geN9PwXr

Seven thrice-vaccinated Germans were infected with the omicron variant in South Africa. 6 out of 7 had a booster (third) dose of mRNA from Pfizer/BioNTech.

The CDC reports that the majority of reported cases of Omicron variant infections in the United States occurred with people who have been fully vaccinated. A third of them received a booster dose of the vaccine.

Omicron will become the dominant option in the UK by mid-December, according to the British Medical Safety Agency.

A 28-fold increase in the number of stillbirths in several regions of Canada. There were 86 stillbirths in Waterloo from January to July, when there is usually one stillbirth every two months. The women were fully vaccinated.

In the Kursk region in Russia, pregnant women are promised to pay 5,000 rubles for vaccination. The Prime Minister of the country calls for increasing the rate of vaccination of the entire population, since “collective immunity” has still reached the required level.

Dr. Vernon Coleman talks about the mRNA injection against Covid-19 and its negative impact on the cardiovascular system, giving facts, arguments, referring to the results of a peer-reviewed study.

The Japanese Ministry of Health has issued a warning about heart problems regarding Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. The risk of myocarditis has also been identified in Israel.

560,000 operations postponed due to “overreaction” to Covid-19 in Canada alone.

The Cabal continued to push deadly vaccinations: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern: “We have also seen the spread of misinformation about Covid through social media. Therefore, we have made it a priority to create a “journalism fund in the public interest” to help our media continue to create stories.”

Peter Navarro and Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, spoke out after “Dr.” Fauci attacked Navarro for “spreading misinformation about the Coronavirus.” Dr. Malone, in turn, accused Fauci of patronage and lying. “He gets a gold star for lying… For some reason, all the distortions he makes serve the interests of large pharmaceutical companies.”

Dr. Robert Malone then accused Dr. Fauci and the team of killing at least 500,000 Americans since the beginning of the pandemic: “Listen, Tony, there are more than half a million deaths from this virus in the United States, which is completely unnecessary because the federal government is very actively blocking the ability of doctors to provide vital medicines in the early stages of infection. They have established a policy according to which doctors should not treat on an outpatient basis, they should only treat in a hospital. And you are allowed only when your body is quite effectively destroyed by the virus. And that’s why we have such a high mortality rate.” https://t.me/worldawakeningdraft/410

Journalist Alex Storey reported on the mind control human rights restrictions using Coronavirus in EU countries: “Some children (in Germany) are asked daily to stand in front of the class and name their vaccination status. Those who are vaccinated are applauded.”

CDC Makes Interesting Announcement About Omicron Variant And Vaccinated Individuals. https://resistthemainstream.org/cdc-mak ... e=telegram

Australia has been in total lockdown for some time, with those testing positive for CV (even some who were not positive) placed in isolation camps. Even the Military there is rebelling. Military in Melbourne, Australia: “All this will stop when we ourselves decide that it’s time to end all this, when we deprive them of their tools. If this continues, it will kill us all. It’s not about health or illness. They want to destroy human existence, you know? Starting today, stop your (work) activities. It doesn’t matter what excuse you find – depression, unused vacation, overtime. Just don’t work until Christmas. Block the whole country before Christmas, take it out of control. And it will all end, and you will win!”

The farmers decided to have “fun” and vaccinate the chicken, and after 4 months they wanted to cook soup from it, but THE FLESH OF the VACCINATED CHICKEN FROM “COVID” CONTINUED TO LIVE AND MULTIPLY. The chicken was vaccinated with the applied MRNA liquid of death, which is killing people. The alien artificial nanotechnology of the synthetic GMO MRNA “vaccine” continued to live actively in the dead headless carcass.

BQQQQQQQM The death jab is loaded with over 47 pathogens including HIV proteins, graphene oxide, mRNA, Luciferise, human DNA, fetal tissues, animal DNA, monkey cells, liquid metals such as mercury the list goes on and on. This is why I’d rather die than get the jab and live a life of hell.

Genoa Italy, France, Luxembourg Germany, Vienna Austria all protesting against vaccine mandate.
Trevor Winchell
Site Admin - Investigative Journalist
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