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This week on Gareth Icke Tonight.

Broadcaster and Journalist Anna McGovern, specialises in politics, lifestyle and current affairs, and she will be joining us to break down the coming elections in both the UK and US.

Former nurse turned motivational speaker and educator, Kristen Nagle is on the line from the US to talk about the over medicalisation of humanity, and how we have everything we need, within ourselves, both mentally and physically.

And finally Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon is a naturopathic doctor, author, educator and scientist. She has travelled to over 50 counties to spread a message of divine truth, and teaches people that they need to love themselves. She will be joining us for an enlightening conversation.

That’s Gareth Icke Tonight, Thursday 7pm UK on https://www.ickonic.com

Also on the show this week:

Senior fellow at the Claremont Institute and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior of the United States, Jeremy Carl is here to talk about his latest book, ‘The Unprotected Class’. How anti white racism is destroying america.

Musician and head of Chai music Edward Loose, joins us to speak about his new artist first blockchain musical system, that excludes the music industry from taking all the pie.

Watch the show at https://www.ickonic.com

This week on Gareth Icke Tonight.

Legendary investigative journalist Whitney Webb joins us from Chile to tell us about her latest investigation. ‘Debt from the skies’, how Latin America is being targeted by the usual climate change pushing ghouls.

The developer of ‘The Painfree method’ Althea Finch is in the studio to show us how with a combination of body and mind, we can all be painfree. A method she says has proven to work for over 24 years.

And holistic biologist Catherine Edwards talks to us about how she is attempting to empower people to become their healthiest, happiest selves, at a time when people are really struggling with their physical and mental health.

That’s Gareth Icke Tonight, Thursday 7pm UK on https://www.ickonic.com

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The Dream OUT NOW on paperback, Ebook and audiobook at https://shop.davidicke.com.

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This week on Gareth Icke Tonight.
Researcher and humanitarian Tom Palladino is on the line from the USA to talk about Scalar energy and how it can not only solve the energy crisis, but the health crisis, too.
18 year old activist Montgomery Toms is here to tell us about his experiences in the education system, including students being referred to anti terror organisations, for having the wrong opinions.
Film maker Ash Mamood joins us in the studio to talk about his latest film, Playing God, a documentary about the state sponsored killing of patients in our hostpitals.
And Michelle Vassallo. Talks to us from Australia.
Michelle is an experienced remedial massage and lymphatic drainage specialist, and author of the inspirational book ‘Stand your ground’.

That’s Gareth Icke Tonight, Thursday 7pm UK on https://www.ickonic.com

Video sponsor - https://painfreedom.co.uk

The Dream OUT NOW on paperback, Ebook and audiobook at https://shop.davidicke.com.

Sign up to the brand new Ickonic Media Platform at - https://www.ickonic.com

All David's Books Now Available Here https://shop.davidicke.com

Latest News From David Icke - www.davidicke.com

Social Media https://www.twitter.com/davidicke https://www.gettr.com/user/RealDavidIcke http://t.me/davidickeofficial https://www.minds.com/davidickeofficiall https://parler.com/davidicke https://vk.com/davidicke

This week on Gareth Icke Tonight.

Peter Lawrence of The Cornwall Farmers movement joins us to talk about the attack on our food supply, and how the farming community across the UK and Europe are fighting back against Net Zero insanity.

We have a former driving instructor called Robert Hood. Robert uncovered a 6 billion pound test candidate fraud, where the number of test passes and fails, is already decided before a car even drives out the test centre. When he blew the whistle on this, he was removed from the instructors register and attacked by the media.

Jason Christoff runs an international psychological reprogramming institute, and he’ll be joining us to talk about mind control, behaviour modification, and how we are all being targeted psychologically.

And finally, natural pharmacist Dr Lyn Laffery tells us how we can get away from the big pharma owned world of mainstream medicine and take our own health, into our own hands.

That’s Gareth Icke Tonight, Thursday 7pm UK on https://www.ickonic.com


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

1408 videos

Category News & Politics

Vital Information To Expose The Nature Of Reality, What is Really Happening Behind The News Headlines And Who Is Really Running The World - Videos from David Icke The Worlds Best Known Conspiracy Researcher

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