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by xotrevor » Thu Mar 31, 2022 1:48 pm







1. We can prove there was widespread fraud in Michigan. Patrick Colbeck and Matt Deperno have documented proof there was widespread election fraud in Michigan. Matt DePerno not only proved there was fraud in the court of law he actually replicated the fraud on a Dominion machine that was actually used in the 2020 election in Antrim County.

- Patrick Colbeck

View Patrick Colbeck Report: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/nOeGZz

View Patrick Colbeck's summary article: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/lOyWR5

- Matt DePerno

View Matt DePerno Press Release - June 24, 2021: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/OclVGL

View Matt DePerno Reports from June 2021 : https://www.depernolaw.com/all-expert-reports.html

View Matt DePerno Reports from May 2021: https://www.depernolaw.com/bailey-docum ... -2021.html

View Matt DePerno Reports from April 2021: https://www.depernolaw.com/bailey-docum ... -2021.html

View Matt DePerno Reports from Dec 2020: https://www.depernolaw.com/bailey-docum ... -2020.html

View Matt DePerno on War Room: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/1hCdtS

View Matthew DePerno First Interview After Court Hearing in Antrim County Case: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/TSHYp8

View Matthew DePerno SQL Demonstration Video: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/Lr5Kyw

View Matt DePerno on new EXPLOSIVE evidence submitted in Michigan: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/MNGyA9

Judge Releases Dominion Audit Report: System ‘Designed’ to ‘Create Systemic Fraud’
Court unseals details of audit on machines in Michigan’s Antrim County:

View Article: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/HnJnqi

View Michigan 2020 Voter Analysis Report: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/KkJHx1

View Alex Halderman Report: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/cIzYAG

View Full Election Fraud Report: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/E ... d/Michigan



View Court Documnt #1: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/vTeXqu

View Court Document #2: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/GqKfjT


2. Dr Frank - Analysis of Michigan's Election Data!

You folks in Michigan have a real handful for a Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson. It's been over a year, and she is still afraid to post the real statistics for the November 2020 election.

People often ask me to "name names."

Well, based upon what I've seen and what I know, the SoS of Michigan needs to be introduced to a jury trial. One capable of dispensing capital punishment.

https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-1 ... --,00.html

Dr Frank's Preliminary Analysis of Michigan's Election Data: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/Kp1NRn

Dr. Frank Expects To Find 150,000 Ballots Cast In Michigan "Not Associated With Registered Voters"


3. We now know exactly how the fraud happened with the whole signature verification process for absentee ballots that was "relaxed" as a result of a federal lawsuit that was brought against Jocelyn Benson and the Michigan State Legislature by priorities USA. (Which honestly is the reason why we do not have these numbers from Ed McBroom yet and probably never will receive them).

To fully understand the intentions and the purpose of the lawsuit that was filed by priorities USA against the Secretary of State and the Michigan legislature in 2020 we have to take a very close look at the deep intertwined connections between all the parties involved in the lawsuit. There is a lot below the surface that is not readily visible to most people. It's kind of like an iceberg you can only see a small amount above the water but below the water is massive, and that is the same situation with this situation.

BIG UPDATE!!! - OPERATION CHECKMATE! - 3/26/2022: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/99tzBp

OPERATION CHECKMATE DIAGRAM - 3/29/2022: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/ewe0BW

OUR FEDERAL LAWSUIT - OPERATION CHECKMATE - 3/16/2022: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/xKyz6R

View Some questions to ask: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/h7truT

Our live video where we discuss what we have found: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/HMdhIR

10,000 Dead People Returned Mail-in Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows:

177,000 voters removed from the voter rolls - Difference between Trump and Biden: 154,188:

View 42 USC 1983: CIVIL ACTION FOR DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/XgybCA

52 U.S. Code § 20511 - Criminal penalties and USC 42 subsection 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights:

Regarding the Public Act 116 of 1954 § 765(5) and the numbers we are trying to get from Ed McBroom:

The entire Michigan State Legislature what they truly are "RINOS" and "corrupt cowards": https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/ljaBsr


4. On June 17th 2021 several hundred of us gathered at the Capitol to hand deliver 7,500 plus signed affidavits to officially demand an audit of the 2020 election.


View Article: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/MQXcUG


5. Not only did we have a hard time delivering the signed affidavits to the legislature, MI Republican Secretary of State candidate Kristina Karamo tried to deliver several boxes of the signed affidavits to Jocelyn Benson and her office refused to accept them.

Watch Video: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/7Ejzl0


6. Then in June of 2021, Ed McBroom releases his famous report on the 2020 election in Michigan where he claims that there's not a sufficient amount of fraud. But he refuses to mention in his report about the public act of 1954...

View Michigan Senate 2020 Election Report: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/anNB9U


7. Not to mention all the canvassing efforts that took place, where we have documented proof that not only were there more votes than there were registered voters in several counties in our state. And not only did several people say that they went to the voting pole only to be told that they already voted. And not to mention the people that had supposedly voted, but during the canvassing many people said that they never voted even though there was a registered vote for them. We also have documented proof that not only were dead people registered to vote we have proof that dead people actually, requested a ballot, received a ballot in the mail, filled the ballot out, and even return the ballot, and their voted was counted via absentee ballot in the 2020 election, imagine that.

Reports by Jacky Eubanks

Canvassing for Voter Fraud Facts, Myths, & Findings: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/zfTGIc

Macomb County, Michigan Canvassing Report: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/Kb4SDJ


8. And not to mention that Patrick Byrne offered to pay for a full forensic audit just like the one that took place in Maricopa County and the state legislature in Michigan turned down the offer. (I have heard Senator Kevin Daley mention the number of times about who's going to pay for the audit). So this offer would have totally eliminated the burden of who was going to pay for the audit, but yet they still denied the offer, and that right there folks tells you everything you need to know.


9. And not to mention the fact that Jocelyn Benson just happened to remove 177,000 voters from the voter roles that just happened to be absentee voters before the State Auditor General did the audit of the voter rolls, which he waited over a year to do. Not to mention that the margin of victory between Trump and Biden was less than 177,000 it was actually 154,188 votes.

View State Auditor General Audit Report: https://url.americanpatriotsforum.com/73tLBD


10. And not to mention the two white vans that just so happened to deliver thousands of "pristine" ballots to the TCF Center in the middle of the night. And we honestly Wonder why the absentee voter rolls do not balance out with the amount of absentee ballots that were sent out by all 83 clerks.
